Thursday, June 9, 2011

An Honorable Distraction

One of my distractions during the last six months has been publication and sales of Historic Photos of Dallas in the 50s, 60s, and 70s (Turner Publishing, 2010).

I grew up in Dallas during that time period, and it was an enjoyable challenge to tell the story of three decades of Big D using only 200-odd archival photos with a 75-word caption for each. (I also wrote a short introductory essay and three 500-word chapter introductions.

Here I am at the bookstore of the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas.
The assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 changed the city profoundly.

Historic Photos of Dallas in the 50s, 60s, and 70s is a coffee table-type book, and it sold like hotcakes during the lead-up to Christmas. Dallas-based department store Neiman-Marcus stocked the book and featured it several of their holiday catalogs. Because I’m local, my schedule for speaking gigs and book signings was pretty full.
 Anyway, I’m back to Confederate soldiers homes now (and I much prefer writing to talking about writing.).

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